The Studio School

Curriculum Continuum

The curriculum of The Studio School represents a natural continuum, following a child’s development. In the beginning, the subject areas are simple and rely on concrete skills and materials. As children mature, they are able to understand increasingly more complex subjects and their thinking abilities become more abstract.


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Early Childhood
Elementary School
Middle School
Number Sense
  • One-to-one correspondance
  • Number recognition
  • Symbol to represent quantity
  • Part  and whole
  • Place value through 1,000,000
  • Number sequences
  • Incremental counting
  • Expanded notation
  • Even and odd numbers
  • Place value through 1,000,000,000
  • Rounding numbers
  • Positive and negative integers
  • Scientific and standard notation
  • Prime and composite numbers
Algebra and Functions
  • Comparative terms
  • Pattern recognition
  • Matching and pairing
  • Ordering objects
  • Zero as a placeholder
  • Equalities
  • Inequalities
  • Estimation
  • Associative Property
  • Commutative Property
  • Distributive Property
  • Absolute value
  • Two variable algebraic equations
  • Graphing on coordinate plane
  • Slope of linear equations
  • Binomial equations
  • Quadratic Equations
  • Systems of Equations
  • Factoring quadratics
  • Non-standard measuring tools
  • Length, weight, size comparisons
  • Customary measurement
  • Metric measurement
  • Calendars
  • Money
  • Time
  • Conversion between units of measurement
  • Scale and proportion
  • Distance formula
  • Length, mass, volume, weight
  • Currency
Data Analysis
  • Charts and lists
  • Grouping and sets
  • Bar and line graphs
  • Tally marks
  • Mean, median, mode, range, interquartile range
  • Rules of probability
  • Pie charts, histograms, stem-and-leaf plots
  • Shape recognition
  • Properties of shapes
  • Spatial reasoning
  • Point, line segment, line, ray
  • 2 dimensional shape attributes
  • 3 dimensional shape attributes
  • Angles
  • Symmetry
  • Area and perimeter of two dimensional shapes
  • Classification and properties of angles
  • Diameter, radius, circumference
  • Surface area and volume of three dimensional prisms
  • Properties of triangles
  • Pythagorean Theorem
  • Similarity and congruence
  • Transformations, reflections, rotations, dilations


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Early Childhood
Elementary School
Middle School
Reading, Language, and Comprehension
  • Phonemic awareness
  • Letter sound correspondence
  • Print and illustration recognition
  • Word recognition
  • Contextual understanding
  • Directionality
  • Plot, character, setting identification
  • Sight words
  • Multi-syllable word
  • Regular and irregular spelling
  • Semantics and word study
  • Parts of speech
  • Reading accuracy, pacing, expression
  • Main idea and details
  • Summarization
  • Context clues
  • Character analysis
  • Theme identification
  • Comparative analysis
  • Point of view
  • Genre recognition
  • Predictions
  • Research skills: skimming and scanning
  • Analysis of character, plot, structure, theme, tone, perspective
  • Development of dynamic and static characters
  • Exposition, rising action, climax, resolution
  • Figurative language: similes, metaphors, personification
  • Idiomatic phrases
  • Inferencing skills
  • First-person, third-person, omniscient, limited, and unreliable narrators
  • Irony and sarcasm
  • Foreshadowing
  • Allusions
  • Author's purpose
  • Analogies
  • Research: paragphrase and citation
  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Grip and control
  • Shape and line formation
  • Letter formation
  • Upper and lower case print handwriting
  • Spelling conventions
  • Grammar and punctuation
  • Sentence structure
  • Paragraph organization
  • Note taking
  • Narrative, descriptive, expository writing
  • Voice and style
  • Writing process
  • Cursive handwriting
  • Etymology
  • Sentence diagramming
  • Persuasive and personal essays
  • Short stories, poetry, memoir
  • Research and citation
  • Thesis statements
  • Self editing process
  • Peer editing process
Speaking and Listening
  • Vocabulary acquistion
  • Articulation
  • Phonemic awareness
  • Storytelling
  • Attention and responsiveness
  • Following directions
  • Story comprehension
  • Clarity of articulation
  • Expression, tone, volume, pace
  • Varied sentence structure
  • Descriptive language
  • Focused attention, feedback and response
  • Understanding perspective
  • Multi-step directions
  • Detail retention
  • Precise and concise language
  • Enunciation, oration
  • Debate and discussion
  • Persuasive and structured argument
  • Public speaking
  • Focused and engaged listening
  • Paraphrase and summarize

One World

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Early Childhood
Elementary School
Middle School
History/Social Sciences
  • Time concepts
  • Order  of events
  • Family and life events
  • School and community events
  • Timelines and chronology
  • Trade and service in societies
  • Local, state, federal government systems
  • Growth of New York City and State
  • Indigenous cultures
  • Historical events, leaders, movements
  • Migration and immigration
  • Ancient civilizations
  • Spread of religions
  • Government systems
  • Economic structures
  • Impact of colonization
  • Founding of the United States
  • Westward expansion
  • Industrialization
  • Civil War and Reconstruction
  • Social hierarchies
  • Social movements
  • International affairs
  • Location, direction, distance
  • Neighborhood geographic features
  • Land and water features
  • Maps and mapmaking
  • Compass directions and coordinates
  • Landforms and bodies of water
  • Climate zones and weather patterns
  • States and capitals
  • Population and settlements
  • Map reading and intreptation
  • Land formation and processes
  • Population density, distribution, growth
  • Distribution of natural resources
  • Countries and world capitals
  • Cultural patterns and processes
  • Geopolitical issues
  • Topography
  • Observation
  • Exploration and experimentation
  • Classification
  • Comparison
  • Cause and effect
  • Senses
  • Living things
  • Properties of materials
  • Seasons and weather
  • Sun,  Earth, Moon
  • Simple  machines
  • Predictions  and hypotheses
  • Experiments and data collection
  • Classification and Organization
  • Data analysis and interpretation
  • Conclusion
  • Living and non-living
  • Life cycles
  • Ecosystems and habitats
  • Geology
  • States of matter
  • Weather and climate
  • Natural resources
  • Solar system
  • Engineering and technology
  • Systematic investigations
  • Controlled variable experiments
  • Data representation: graphs, charts, tables
  • Accuracy of scientific measurements
  • Quantitative and qualitative analysis
  • Evidence based conclusions
  • Cell biology
  • Genetics
  • Ecology and evolution
  • Properties of matter
  • Chemical reactions
  • Forcs and energy
  • Earth's systems
  • Plate tectonics
  • Astronomy
  • Engineering design and processes
  • Recycling
  • Recycling
  • Water conservation
  • Energy conservation
  • Recyle, reduce, reuse
  • Environmental observations and documentation
  • Pollution and resource depletion
  • Ecosystem functions
  • Biodiversity
  • Renewable and non-renewable resources
  • Climate change
  • Energy usage
  • Carbon footprint
  • Waste management
  • Sustainability and feasible solutions
  • Ecosystems interactions
  • Huan and ecosystems relationships
  • Management of natural resources
  • Climate science
  • Energy efficiency
  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Local and global action
  • Environmental justice and equity

World Language

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Early Childhood
Elementary School
Middle School
  • Everyday objects
  • Colors
  • Numbers
  • Greetings and farewells
  • Daily activites
  • Time of day
  • Family members
  • Common words and phrases
  • Food
  • Home and school objects
  • Routine actions
  • Classroom commands
  • Time and calendars
  • Weather and seaons
  • Basic emotions
  • Thematic vocabulary
  • Countries and capitals
  • Topic specific vocabulary
  • Social interactions
  • Feelings and emotions
  • Daily life and routines
  • School and education
  • Synonyms and antonyms
  • Hobbies, travel, social issues
  • Geography and landmarks
  • Common idiomatic expressions
  • Origin and nationalities
  • Subject-verb sentence structure
  • Nouns
  • Verb recognition
  • Personal pronoun 'yo'
  • Question words
  • Subject-verb-article agreement
  • Question formation
  • Present tense verbs
  • Basic irregular verbs
  • Gender agreement
  • Number agreement
  • Singular and plural nouns
  • Personal pronouns
  • Possessive adjectives
  • Prepositions and conjunctions
  • Negations
  • Noun-adjective agreement
  • Subject and object pronouns
  • Regular verb conjugation
  • Irregular verb conjugation
  • Past, present, future tenses
  • Compound and complex sentence structure
  • Comparatives
  • Superlatives
  • Reflexive verbs
  • Reflexive pronouns
Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing
  • Stories and songs
  • Simple instructions
  • Basic questions
  • Basic commands
  • Simple phrases
  • Pronunciation
  • Letter recognition
  • Word recognition
  • Vocabulary recognition and recall
  • Pronunciation and articulation
  • Conversational practice
  • Basic translation of written text
  • Basic translation of instructions
  • Reading comprehension
  • Accurate pronunciation
  • Contextual understanding
  • Sentences and paragraphs
  • Roleplaying
  • Interviewing
  • Introductions
  • Oration
Spanish and Latin Culture
  • Foods and festivals
  • Folktales
  • Songs
  • Cultural awareness and appreciation
  • Cultural terms and expressions
  • Tradtional stores and legends
  • Spanish and Latin American music and dance
  • Historical events
  • Customs and traditions
  • Geographical features and landmarks
  • Dining etiquette
  • Music, art, culture
  • Food and recipes

Computer Science

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Early Childhood
Elementary School
Middle School
Computer Science
  • Sequencing
  • Pattern recognition
  • Actions and outcomes
  • Step by step instructions
  • Simple commands
  • Predictions
  • Pattern sequences
  • Data collection
  • Input  and output algorithms
  • Keyboarding skills
  • Programming basics
  • Basic computer operations
  • Digital file management
  • Number, text, and image data representation
  • Hardware and software components
  • Internet and online communications
  • Digital art
  • Basic robotics
  • Principles of online safety
  • Text-based programming
  • Functions and coding procedures
  • Conditionals and flowcharts
  • Algorithm development
  • Debugging and testing
  • Data management and analysis
  • Web and graphic design development
  • Game design and development
  • Audio and film production
  • Computer assembly
  • Adobe Suite: Premiere, InDesign, Photoshop
  • Digital ethics
  • Online safety and cybersecurity
  • Critical analysis and ethics of artificial intelligence, social media, virtual reality

Physical Education

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Early Childhood
Elementary School
Middle School
Gross Motor Skills
  • Spatial awareness
  • Balance
  • Coordination
  • Locomotion skills
  • Speed and direction
  • Strength and coordination
  • Rhythm
  • Throwing and catching
  • Lifting and carrying
  • Pulling and pushing
  • Motor planning
  • Navigation of space in relation to objects and others
  • Speed, agility, and locomotion control
  • Acceleration and deceleration
  • Jumping and landing
  • Hopping and skipping
  • Core strength
  • Upper and lower body strength
  • Accuracy and aim
  • Kicking power and precision
  • Ball skills
  • Ball skills
  • Coordination and control when moving
  • Dance and rhythmic movements
  • Bodyweight strength exercises
  • Dynamic balance
  • Core stability
  • Agility training
  • Kicking power and technique
  • Team sport techniques: passing, shooting, defending
  • Dribbling and ball control
Health and Wellness
  • Play and exercise
  • Self-care
  • Muscle strength
  • Flexibility
  • Warm up and cool down
  • Body-mind connection
  • Cardiovascular endurance
  • Personal fitness plans
  • Body systems and functions
  • Nutrition
  • Turn taking
  • Acceptance of outcomes
  • Work with a partner
  • Work as a team
  • Structure and rules of a game
  • Fair play
  • Offensive and defensive skills
  • Coaching
  • Strategic teamwork
  • Tactics, positioning

Visual Arts

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Early Childhood
Elementary School
Middle School
Skills and Concepts
  • Manipulation of hand tools
  • Hand eye coordination
  • Hand precision and control
  • Color recognition
  • Shape and form
  • Pattern and texture recognition
  • Draw, paint, collage, sculpt
  • Drawing and brushwork
  • Shading and perspective
  • Proportion
  • Color mixing
  • Design and composition
  • Elements of form, line, shape, color, texture
  • Planning and sketching
  • Printmaking
  • Properties of materials
  • Persepctive, scale and proportion
  • Background and foreground
  • Negative space
  • Linocut, etching, monotype
  • Sculpture
  • Color Theory: tint, shade, hue, saturation
  • Symmetry and assymetry
  • Realism and abstraction
  • Art movements and styles
  • Historical and contemporary artists
  • Social, political, environmental art
  • Critique and revision
  • Unstructured materials: clay, paint, pencil, crayon, chalk, string, fabric, paper, glue
  • Acrylic, tempera, watercolor paint
  • Chalk and oil pastel, charcoal, pencil
  • Clay
  • Fabric and notions
  • Paper
  • Wood
  • Acrylic, oil, and watercolor paints
  • Charcoal, graphite
  • Chalk and oil pastel
  • Clay: polymer, air-dry, ceramic
  • Fabric
  • Ink
  • Collage
  • Clay work
  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Sewing
  • Weaving
  • Woodworking
  • Mixed media
  • Ceramics: coil, pinch pot, slab
  • Drawing
  • Handiwork: beading, bookmaking, dying, embroidery, paper making, sewing, woodworking
  • Illustration
  • Painting
  • Papier - mache
  • Sculpture
  • Animation
  • Bookmaking
  • Ceramics
  • Fiber arts: sewing, needle-work, knitting, crochet, embroidery
  • Drawing and Illustration
  • Painting
  • Photography: film and digital
  • Print-making and silk-screening
  • Sculpture: wire, wood, found objects, fabric, mixed-media

Performing Arts

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Early Childhood
Elementary School
Middle School
  • Songs: call and response, nursery rhymes, story-telling
  • Rhythm and beat
  • Pitch matching
  • Orff instruments
  • Song forms: harmony, melody, rounds
  • Meter, tempo
  • Ptich and scales
  • Solfege
  • Instrument families
  • Dynamic markings
  • Expressive techniques and variations
  • Sight reading
  • Ear training
  • Music genre and style
  • Ensemble work
  • Solo and ensemble work
  • Vocal technique: breath control, pitch accuracy, tone, articulation
  • Time signatures
  • Scales and modes
  • Harmonic progression and modulation
  • Instrumental technique: piano, guitar, percussion
  • Musical forms and structure
  • Composition and improvization
  • Music theory
  • Ensemble performance and harmonizing
  • Music history and appreciation
  • Solo and ensemble work
  • Digital recording tools
  • Role-playing and story structure
  • Character action and reaction
  • Expressive movement
  • Group work
  • Character development
  • Voice projection and modulation
  • Movement, improvisation and facial expressions
  • Scene and dialogue reading
  • Memorization techniques
  • Stage directions:solo and group
  • Puppetry
  • Character arc: emotion, motivation, relationships
  • Acting skills: voice projection and emotional expression
  • Body language and gestures
  • Monologue and dialogue delivery
  • Blocking and choreography
  • Synchronization and communication
  • Rehearsal, performance, stage management
  • Set and prop design
  • Costume and makeup design
  • Lighting and sound design
  • Theatre genres: comedy, drama, musical
  • Theatre history
  • Body and spatial awareness
  • Coordination and movement
  • Patterns and sequences
  • Directional movement
  • Dance position and stance
  • Body alignment and posture
  • Syncopation, rhythm, and tempo
  • Choreography and squence
  • Dance style and technique
  • Interpretation and expression
  • Solo, partner, group movement
  • Tecnical proficiency
  • Coordination, flexibility, and strength
  • Compex rhythms
  • Choreography: motif, variation, theme
  • Style specific skills
  • Improvisation and expressive presence
  • Improvisation and expressive presence
  • Dance analysis
  • Dance history