The Studio School

Early Childhood

Ages Two to Five

Play is a child’s work. In these years of immense growth and change, our preschool and kindergarten students meet the world with imagination, inquisitiveness, conflict, and desire.
Early Childhood

Teachers provide both open-ended materials and guided activities that encourage creativity and thinking, and opportunities for young children to make sense of their internal and external world. At Studio, children learn to work alone, and in small and larger groups, as they are helped to put their thoughts, feelings, and ideas into words, developing and expanding their social-emotional, language, and cognitive skills.

The early childhood years build the solid foundation for the more formal academic learning ahead in the elementary years. The curricula include literacy and numeracy, natural sciences, world languages, art, music, movement, and cooking. In our Uniquely Studio class, called Work Period, each student experiences taking a project from start to finish, with a teacher’s deft and caring guidance. Children also build daily with wooden unit and large outdoor blocks, and trips are planned so that they can bring their new observations about the world into the classroom. With pets and plants around, singing and giggling, storytelling and puzzling, the joy of learning is everywhere.

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling